Our Mission:
To provide a safe haven for plants, animals & humans dedicated to sustainable living.
meet our Team
The Farm runs 24/7 requiring the help of many talented and dedicated individuals. Our culturally diverse team, who live on the farm full-time, works to maintain the ongoing ecosystem of daily life that thrives here at the Sanctuary.
Aziz, Sarah & Baby Alma
Founder, Sanctuary Slimane
Alma’s Grandmother and Host to Amazing Cous Cous Friday’s
14-year history with the Farm providing support to operations, including olive oil production and the water pumps
Adil, Ceramist
“Being surrounded by nature is an eye-opening experience. In time, you don’t just see the beauty, you begin to experience it.”
Aziz Nahas, Founder Sanctuary Slimane
Walking Tour of the Farm
Sanctuary Slimane Blogs
Moringa Tree
The Sanctuary is home to many native trees and plant life. As a permaculture sanctuary, we enlist the many nutritional benefits of the food and vegetables grown on the farm. Over the last several years, we have cultivated moringa powder sourced from the Moringa Oliefera tree. Also known as the Ben Oil tree, Horseradish tree, or Drumstick tree, the Moringa tree, native to the foothills of the Himalayas in northwestern India, grows on here at the Farm. We utilize the nutritional benefits cultivated from the leaves, seeds, pods, and even roots to provide a supplemental powder that offers healing benefits to the body.
Below is a breakdown of the various health advantages of Moringa powder.
The moringa leaves are often noted as a “superfood” because one cup of chopped leaves offers:
Protein: 2 grams
Vitamin B6: 19% of the RDA
Vitamin C: 12% of the RDA
Iron: 11% of the RDA
Riboflavin (B2): 11% of the RDA
Vitamin A (from beta-carotene): 9% of the RDA
Magnesium: 8% of the RDA
A terrific source of protein, 3 grams of protein per tablespoon, in fact—and have a leg up on legumes because they contain all the essential amino acids, necessary for muscle repair, energy production, and mood regulation.
In fact, the leaves are more concentrated in vitamin C than oranges.
A study published in the Journal of Food and Science Technology found that postmenopausal women who took a combination of moringa leaf powder and amaranth leaf powder for three months not only had decreased markers of oxidative stress, but they also had better fasting blood glucose and increased hemoglobin levels, which could mean more balanced hormones.
Like Turmeric, Moringa powder contributes to the reduction of inflammation in the body. It contains inflammation-lowering polyphenols and isothiocyanates, reducing inflammation by suppressing inflammatory enzymes and proteins in the body.
Continuous research efforts within the food science field have shown a series of additional health benefits associated with Moringa Powder including:
· Increase sex drive
· Balance Blood Sugar
· It fights against free radicals
· Improve digestion
· Support brain health
· Protect the liver.
If you are interested in purchasing Moringa Powder from us, visit us at the Farmer’s Market on Sundays or complete this form and someone will reach out to you to place your order.
Benefits of Pickling
The pickling process dates back 4,000 years ago in ancient Mesopotamia. They began soaking cucumbers in acidic brine to preserve them. The start of the process became a cultural staple around the world, known for its heartiness, health benefits, and delicious taste.
Here at the Farm, we have perfected the process of pickling the various vegetables we grow here. This includes eggplant, lemons, cucumbers, and peppers. It is a cost-effective way to preserve food that can last year-round. It has been such a great opportunity for us to preserve the vegetables we grow to use them in salads and other recipes.
The process of pickling prevents bad bacteria from growing in the food. When using vinegar, the acidity of the vinegar prevents most bacteria from thriving. When using a salt brine pickling process, you allow good bacteria to grow. This fermentation is good for you. It helps with gut health and helps with other aspects of the immune system.
We have enjoyed learning the process of pickling on the farm and look forward to exploring and experimenting with new ways to preserve our vegetables while supporting a healthy way of eating.